Special thank you to all my sponsors and the donations I received from you. Your gift of love and commitment has brought unspeakable Joy and love to the families and children.
Attorney Bryon Potts & Company L.P.A. Attorney at Law -
BCI Building Control Integrators -
Can’t Stop Columbus -
Cheryl Jones, Principal East Linden Elementary School -
Capital One -
Dr. Linda Holliday “Ive Been Chosen Ministry -
ETA NuNu Chapter -
Fleet Feet Running Shoes -
GoFundMe Sponsors & Donations -
Kevin Lloyd, Co- Founder & CEO MYLE/Columbus Black.com -
Sam’s Club, Trader Joe’s , Costco, Kroger, Target, Shoe Show Incorporation -
Trader Joe’s, Sam’s Club, Kroger, Costco, -
The Gahanna Sanctuary, Becky Kneeland, Director -
Women of Eastern Star “Love Thy Neighbor” Chapter 137