Pastor Deborah (Debbie) K. Staples
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me.
Pastor Debbie Staples is the founder of The Joy Walker Ministry, located in Columbus, Ohio. She is known as the Joy Walker in every place the Lord has ordered her steps. She believes the Lord has blessed her with the gift of spreading his Joy and love. Through acts of kindness, tenderness, and the word of God, she has brought many to a relationship with God. Her passion and love for God and his people are a mandate on her heart. Pastor Debbie has given God’s Joy in so many ways to children and their families. Winning Souls to Christ as they journey in their lives is truly a blessing to her life.
She has provided shoes, clothing, food, toys, and most importantly God’s Word on her journey as The JOY WALKER to many. The Lord has revealed to her that walking in the oneness with God and fulfilling his desires for your purpose is the only way. She has ministered in homeless shelters, street ministries, couples seminars, youth programs, and nursing homes and loves preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has traveled to Korea, and different states, presenting herself with a humble heart, a loving spirit, and an unconditional love for all God’s people.
Pastor Debbie Staples is the author of the book “Who Am I”, which is about her life in discovering who she is in God. She believes that by finding inner peace, you will discover the truth and beauty that lies within you. No longer bound, but rather walking in the divine revelation and restoration of the Lord. Who Am I was inspired by the Lord, so she could embrace her true identity and walk in the promises of God.
Pastor Debbie Staples also received her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Mary Grove College in Detroit, Michigan, and her Bachelor of Science degree in the field of Education from Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. She is currently a kindergarten teacher for the Columbus City Schools District., the Founder of the Joy Walker Ministry and the author of the book “Who Am I”. Pastor Debbie Staples and her husband are the parents of 9 children, 29 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandbaby. She has partnered with her husband, Pastor Collin Staples, of Naked And Not Ashamed Ministry, preaching the word of God and doing great things in ministry.
Apostle Dr. Linda Holliday of I’ve Been Chosen Ministries Int’l has been an inspiration and a great spiritual leader in my life. Apostle Bishop Reynolds of Great Ebenezer Cathedral of Praise Church, thanks for being the visionary in my life. You spoke the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you thus, said the Lord, and I’m walking his plans out daily.
Pastor Collin Staples of Naked And Not Ashamed Ministry, as my husband and the man of God that has believed in me since the manifestation of God’s desire for my life, I thank you. Your blessings and unconditional love for me have been an inspiration for me to continue on my journey as the Joy Walker in God.
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